Time to Celebrate a New Name!!

Hey yall! How have you all been?

I’m excited to talk with you all today as I get to share a couple glimpses in my life. I want everyone to help celebrate with me! This week I am having a big celebration, to celebrate my name! I know some of you may be a bit confused so I am going to share a portion of my story so that you can get to know me a little more.

My name is Kamali, and most of you only know me by just that. However, I wasn’t born with this name. If you’ve known me since before March of 2020 then you know me by my previous name. My name Kamali is one that I chose for myself. In order to explain this, we’d have to go back to little old me as a child. Let’s take a small trip down memory lane shall we?

My mother was an amazing Black single mother. When she named me, she picked a European name that was easy to understand and pronounce. When I was older she told me, “I chose the name Natalie because I wanted you to have more opportunities. If people saw your name on paper, they would give you a chance without even seeing you in person.” My mother wanted more for me and thought that I would have more success getting jobs in my life rather than having a more “ethnic” name. “When they see an ethnic name on paper they will judge you without knowing what you can bring to the table” she said.

My mother and I! I was about 4 years old in this photo.

Sadly, there was truth in her words. Seeing a Black or African name meant that as a people we were instantly seen as less than without even knowing who we are. This was all too common years ago, and it would not shock me if it still goes on today. It all starts with a name.

I am thankful for the way my mother raised me. She had a lot of struggles in her childhood and as an adult. She just wanted a better life for me than what she had. My mom may have given me a European name, but she always instilled pride in me. She had lighter skin, but knew how colorism affected her as well as how it affected me having dark skin. She constantly told me that my dark skin was beautiful, that I was beautiful, that Black was beautiful. My mother passed away 11 years ago at the age of 42. She lived a short life but she packed so much knowledge and wisdom for me to carry into my own life and family. I take her lessons with me daily. I will never forget the impact she made on me and my little brother. She shaped me into the woman I am now.

Ever since I was in elementary school I was fascinated with our history as the African Diaspora living in America. The beauty, pain, struggle, triumph, and power that came from those who lived before me. That was powerful to me. And African names? I thought they were so unique and captivating. I remember being a high school student and searching African names just for the heck of it. This was a part of culture that was taken from me well before my time.

My beautiful family! My husband and I with our kiddos. From left to right: Amethyst, Maverick & Alistair.

My previous name does not reflect who I am. I am of African descent. When Africans were brought over to the Americas as slaves they were stripped of their language, cultures and names. The slave masters gave their slaves their own last name and assigned them first names as well. When I learned this as an older child it made sense why I wasn’t attached to my birth name.

Changing my name was something that I always wanted to do but it all started at the beginning of the pandemic when my husband saying that he would love to change his name. I thought that would be incredible if I would change my name as well. From then, we did some research and bought an African name book to pick names. Once we agreed on a last name together as a family, My husband and I picked first and middle names for ourselves. All three kiddos were thrilled to have a new last name! Seeing them excited about this brings me so much joy. We chose names that reflected who we are, who we are to become, and where our ancestors are from. Picking African names for ourselves was necessary, and naming myself and our family is the most beautiful and liberating thing we have ever done. I can see my ancestors dancing and celebrating with me!

Jan 25th is the court date to legalize our name. My husband’s paperwork will be taking longer but the kids and I’s name will be legalized on this date. We are celebrating the whole week as a family!

I’ll share more of this outfit soon. I LOVE this combo!

Now, allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Kamali Azubike Obiagu.

Kamali (Kah-MAH-lee) means wealth in Rwanda, and Perfection in East Africa

Azubike (Ah-ZOO-bee-keh) is Nigerian for “The past is our strength”

Obiagu(Oh-bee-AH-goo) is Nigerian for Lion’s Heart

So there you have it. I’m making this a week long celebration and I’ll be sharing some outfits I made to show off and look BOMB along with smothering myself with family time.

Thank you all for taking the time to read about my story, and why the week of the 25th is so important to me. I hope that sharing my story helps you to learn more about myself, Kamali.

In the case that you may not see all my makes from this week you can follow me on IG here to view them.

Peace and Blessings to you all!


33 responses to “Time to Celebrate a New Name!!”

    1. Thank you so much!!


    2. Thank you so much!


  1. What a lovely story!


  2. Congratulations Kamali and your entire family! Your story is beautiful and strong! Thank you for sharing your story, and more importantly, thank you for reclaiming what is yours and reminding the world that you are here!


  3. […] Whew, what a day it’s been! I am caught speechless at the love you all have shown me. You are all incredible people and I am blessed that we have crossed paths! If you missed the reason for the celebration sewing, you can find a short post about it here. […]


  4. I don’t know you personally, but feel like I do from around the sewing community. What a beautiful time for you and your family! I’m honoured that you’re sharing your story with all of us.


  5. Beautiful and very reflective of the journey you have taken and will continue on for yourself and your family ❣


  6. Beautifully written! I’m so proud of you! You’re the example that many people need to love themselves!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much bestie!!


  7. This is beautiful! And so great you decided to do it as a family as well.


    1. Thank you! It’s exciting and I feel more connected with my roots. ♥️


  8. Congratulations, Kamali!
    As the Matriarch of a truly rainbow family, I admire your choice to connect to your true roots. My family includes many ethnicities. My husband is Mexican so I instilled that love in my mixed race children. My grandchildren, and great grand children, include Mexican, Venezuelan, Black, White, and other racial inheritance. I had to take a DNA test for my own ethnicity since my father died when I was 13 months old and his family had disowned him. My family is a testament to the unity that can be formed by true acceptance of racial equality.
    Best Wishes to your lovely family!


  9. Oh wow! This is such an awesome journey! I think your new names are very appropriate 🤗🥰
    Enjoy the celebrations 🥳
    I look forward to seeing all the outfits ☺️


  10. Caroline Stedman Avatar
    Caroline Stedman

    Your new name is beautiful, Congratulations to all your family


  11. I love that you and your husband did this together and even picked a new last name. The fact your children love it makes it even more special. I had a friend in college named Azubike and I always thought it had such a lovely rhythm to it. Was so cool to see it again. Congratulations!


  12. Thank you for sharing your story. I think it’s beautiful that you and your husband chose a name together for your family.


  13. Congratulations on your beautiful new name! You always lift my spirits.❤️❤️❤️


    1. Oh shucks thank you so much!! ❤


  14. Kamali! What a beautiful event! You are amazing, so thoughtful, so strong, such a wonderful mother to pass your real ancestry to your children!! I applaud and admire you!


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words!


  15. Thanks for sharing your naming story and your amazing clothing creations!! And I love that your family get your new name officially on my birthday (it’s a great day to celebrate)!!


    1. Happy belated birthday!


  16. Thank you for sharing your story. I truly love that your husband and children are fully a part of this journey. Blessings on your home!


  17. slickandpeggysbcglobalnet Avatar

    Wow, that is amazing and wonderful!! What a wonderful way to express who you really are. Very inspiring!


  18. I adore your name story. My parents gave me a name I love (Jesse). My Mom picked it out as a child. As an abused kid she thought the name was one of strength and fortitude.

    Everyone should have a name they love, and that gives them strength through their grayest of days. Many blessings to your family!


  19. Congratulations to you and your beautiful family!


  20. So interesting I love how y’all decided as a family to make a change in your family name. It’s different and I love it!!!


  21. […] This is a quick update on my new name and the process of getting all documents I need to reflect the new changes. In case you missed it, I wrote a post in January in celebration of this big moment. You can find the post here. […]


  22. I just found your page today and may i saw thank God there are other othe plus sized sewist who delieve in sex appeal.


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